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Well I decided to talk about an expert in my area, and what better to talk about the famous Ernest Rutherford o Lord Rutherford, the chemist that calls my attention, due to the area of ​​the chemistry that was dedicated to study.
Ernest Rutherford was born on 30 Augus
t 1871 in New Zealand and died on 19 October 1937 in the United Kingdom.
He devoted himself to the study of radioactive particles and managed to classify them into alpha (α), beta (β) and gamma (γ). He found that the radioactivity was accompanied by a disintegration of the elements and this won him the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1908, he also created an atomic model with which he tested the existence of the atomic nucleus, which has all the positive charges and almost the entire mass of the atom.

Personally I like Rutherford because it was dedicated to radioactivity, which is one of the topics I like, also without it they would not have advanced in the atomic models nor the current radioactivity would be known.


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